Keeping Bees Away from a Fountain [Practical Guide]

Have you ever had a quiet moment beside your fountain only to be interrupted by obnoxious bees buzzing around? If so, you are not alone; over 75.3% of fountain owners face similar issues.

You know, every fountain owner’s desire is to turn a boring backyard into a buzzing oasis, but uninvited bee visitors surrounding a fountain may rapidly turn that dream into a nightmare. 

However, fret not, as this practical guide will show you how to keep bees away from your cherished water feature without causing any harm to these vital pollinators


You can strike the perfect balance between enjoying your tranquil fountain retreat and ensuring the bees find their nectar-rich havens elsewhere by implementing a few easy and eco-friendly techniques that will be discussed in this blog post. So without much delay, let’s dive in and discover the best way to keep bees away from your fountain.

Natural Bee Repelling Plant

There are various bee-repellant plants that you can grow around your fountain to keep bees away. They include; 


With its refreshing smell and green leaves, peppermint is a fantastic natural bee repellant plant. Bees dislike peppermint’s strong aroma, making it an excellent choice for keeping them away from your fountain area.


Planting peppermint around the fountain’s border or in neighbouring pots can create a barrier that keeps bees at bay.

Crush a few peppermint leaves and spread them around your fountain to increase its effectiveness. This will enhance its scent, creating a stronger deterrent for bees. 


Cucumbers are not only tasty in salads, but they can also work as natural bee deterrent plants. Cucumber’s scent is known to prevent bees from approaching the area where it’s being planted. To establish a bee-resistant zone, plant cucumber vines near your fountain.


You can also slice them and place the slices around your fountain or put them in an aluminum pie dish, as this will help intensify its scent.


Wormwood, with its silvery-green foliage and pungent smell, is another great choice for keeping bees away from your fountain. 

Wormwood has a very strong odour that is repulsive to bees, making it an efficient natural repellant. Planting wormwood around your fountain will help keep bees at bay while also adding interest to your yard.


To enhance its growth, ensure that wormwood receives enough sunlight and is planted in well-draining soil. Because wormwood spreads quickly, put it in containers or specific areas to prevent it from taking over your entire fountain area.

Venus Flytraps and Pitcher Plants

Venus flytraps and pitcher plants are carnivorous plants that can help keep bees at bay around your fountain. Once bees get close to them, they become trapped within the specialized structures of these plants. 

While Venus flytraps and pitcher plants are fascinating to observe, they require specific growing conditions, such as high humidity and nutrient-poor soils.


Natural Bee-Repelling Flowers

Though flowers are not usually the best option for keeping bees away from fountains, but some flowers can help. Now, here are some flowers to plant around your fountain to keep bees away:


Marigolds are vibrant and eye-catching flowers known for their pest-repelling properties, including bees.

These flowers are simple to grow and come in a variety of colours, including orange, yellow, and red. Marigolds’ strong scent is what makes them efficient at repelling bees. 


Bees are naturally drawn to flowers that produce sweet nectar, but the strong scent of marigolds repels them. Additionally, Marigolds need very low maintenance, making them an excellent choice for your fountain area.


Geraniums, like marigolds, have a unique scent that repels bees. The essential oils in the plant produce this distinct aroma. While people enjoy the aroma, bees are put off by it, forcing them to seek nectar elsewhere. 

Geraniums are also fairly resilient and can withstand a variety of weather conditions, making them an excellent choice for year-round use.


Other Spices and Smells

There are certain natural spices you may use to deter these buzzing insects and keep your fountain bee-free. Here are some examples;


Garlic is not only a delicious cooking spice, but it is also a natural bee repellant. Because bees dislike the strong smell of garlic, it is an excellent choice for keeping them away from your fountain. Sprinkle garlic powder around the fountain as a bee repellant, and they will stay away.


Cinnamon is a delicious baking spice, but bees aren’t fond of its aroma. Cinnamon can be both useful and aromatic for keeping bees away from your fountain. 


Form a protective barrier by sprinkling ground cinnamon around the fountain’s border, and bees will avoid your fountain area.

Distilled Vinegar

Distilled vinegar is a versatile ingredient that works well as a natural bee repellant. Its pungent odour repels bees, keeping them away from your fountain. 

You can spray or softly wipe a tiny amount of distilled vinegar around your fountain with a spray pump or towel. This will help keep bees away from your fountain.



Citronella is a well-known insect repellant that has been used to keep mosquitoes at bay for many years. It can, however, be beneficial for repelling bees from your fountain. 

Citronella has a nice lemon-like aroma for humans, but it is repulsive to bees. To use citronella as a bee repellant, what you have to do is to place a citronella candle around your fountain to disguise all the scent that bees are attracted to, preventing bees from building their hives.

What not to keep near your fountain to avoid attracting bees

Here are some things you should avoid keeping near your fountain to keep bees at bay;


Flowers sporting bright colours with a lot of pollen and nectar

Bees are naturally drawn to blooms with vibrant colours. Flowers such as Queen Anne’s lavender may be lovely to look at, but bright colours will surely attract bees to your fountain. So, do not plant this type of flower close to your fountain. 

Bright colours

Bees are extremely colour sensitive, and they are drawn to bright colours such as yellow, orange, and purple. If you want to reduce bee visits, avoid putting decorative elements or ornaments in these eye-catching colours near your fountain.

Worst case scenario

If bees have built a permanent hive on your fountain (or nearby) and you’ve tried dusting spices or burning citronella around the hive, but it doesn’t make them move, Well, it might be too late to use those tricks, so taking more drastic measures is advisable.


And the drastic measure is removing the hive. However, removing the hive can be a dangerous process that might result in unintended consequences if not done correctly. Additionally, the remains of an old colony may attract more bees to the same location, causing the problem to recur.

In such cases, it is critical to identify the best way to achieve a long-term and secure solution. Hiring a professional is the most reliable and efficient option. These professionals have the necessary skills and equipment to remove the hive with accuracy and care. 

What makes these experts even more commendable is their dedication to sustainability. Instead of just exterminating the bees, they frequently use bee-friendly approaches, such as moving the bees to a safer environment.


This strategy not only solves your immediate problem but also helps to preserve these important pollinators, who are necessary for maintaining a healthy ecosystem.


As you can see, the best way to keep bees away from your fountain is to use simple and practical measures, such as natural repellants like peppermint, cinnamon, distilled vinegar, etc. 

With the techniques discussed in this blog post, you can keep bees away from the fountain without causing harm to them.


Also, placing bee-friendly plants away from your fountain area can divert their attention elsewhere. With these simple tips, you will have a bee-free and pleasant outdoor space.


Will using pesticides keep bees away?

It is not suggested to use pesticides since they can harm bees and other useful insects. Instead, use natural repellants.

How often should I clean the fountain to deter bees?

To avoid attracting bees, empty and clean the fountain at least once a week, especially during warm seasons.

What is the best way to keep bees away from fountains?

The best way to keep bees away from your fountain is by planting or placing natural bee repellant plants around your fountain area and also sprinkling natural bee repellant spices around your fountain.


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