Koi Angelfish – Not Actually A Koi Specie

The allure of the koi fish is undeniable, with its vibrant colors, graceful movements, and rich cultural symbolism. However, within the realm of ornamental fishkeeping, another species often mistaken for the koi lurks – the Koi Angelfish.

Despite its name suggesting a connection to the beloved koi, this fascinating fish belongs to an entirely different family, adding a layer of intrigue to the world of aquarium enthusiasts. Let’s delve into the realm of Koi Angelfish, unraveling the truth behind its name, characteristics, and care requirements.

Understanding Koi Angelfish

Contrary to popular belief, Koi Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) is not a variation or subspecies of the koi fish (Cyprinus rubrofuscus). Instead, it belongs to the family Cichlidae, originating from the Amazon River basin in South America. Its name, “Koi Angelfish,” stems from its striking resemblance to the patterns and colors of traditional koi, particularly the Kohaku variety, with its white body and red markings.



Koi Angelfish share several physical characteristics with their namesake, the koi fish. They boast elongated, triangular bodies, with flowing fins and a prominent dorsal fin. Their coloration ranges from shades of white, silver, and black, often adorned with intricate patterns resembling those found on koi fish. The similarity in appearance between Koi Angelfish and koi fish is what often leads to confusion among aquarium enthusiasts.

Care Requirements

While Koi Angelfish may share visual similarities with koi fish, their care requirements differ significantly. Unlike koi fish, which thrive in outdoor ponds with ample space and natural filtration, Koi Angelfish are best suited for indoor aquariums. These freshwater fish require a well-maintained tank with stable water parameters, including temperature, pH, and hardness. Providing a varied diet consisting of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods is essential for their health and vibrant coloration.


Koi Angelfish exhibit social behavior and are best kept in small groups or pairs. They are relatively peaceful compared to other cichlid species but may display territorial behavior, especially during breeding. Providing ample hiding spots and vegetation within the aquarium helps create a conducive environment for Koi Angelfish to establish territories and form bonds with tank mates.



Breeding Koi Angelfish in captivity is a rewarding endeavor for experienced aquarists. Like their wild counterparts, they engage in elaborate courtship rituals, during which pairs form strong bonds and select breeding sites. Successful breeding requires optimal water conditions, ample space, and a well-balanced diet. With proper care and attention, Koi Angelfish can produce offspring with a wide range of colors and patterns, adding diversity to the aquarium hobby.


In the intricate tapestry of the aquarium hobby, Koi Angelfish stand out as a captivating species with a misleading name. Despite their visual resemblance to koi fish, these elegant cichlids hail from the depths of the Amazon, carving their niche in the world of freshwater aquariums.

By understanding their true nature, characteristics, and care requirements, aquarists can provide Koi Angelfish with the optimal conditions to thrive and showcase their beauty in the confines of an indoor aquarium. So, while they may not be koi fish, Koi Angelfish undoubtedly possess a charm and allure all their own.


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