The Reason Why Drinking Fountains Have Splash Guards

Drinking fountains, those ubiquitous fixtures found in schools, parks, offices, and public spaces around the world, often feature a small but essential detail: splash guards. These are the inclined metal or plastic barriers positioned just below the spout where water is dispensed.

While they may seem like minor additions, splash guards serve a crucial purpose that enhances both the functionality and hygiene of drinking fountains.

Functionality and Design


The primary function of splash guards is to control the direction of the water flow from the fountain’s spout. When water is dispensed, especially at higher pressure, it tends to shoot outwards rather than directly into the user’s mouth. Splash guards are designed to redirect this trajectory downwards, minimizing splashing and ensuring that more of the water lands where intended – in the drinker’s mouth and not on their face or clothes.

Typically made from stainless steel, plastic, or sometimes even coated with antimicrobial substances, splash guards are durable and easy to clean. Their shape and size vary depending on the fountain’s design and intended use, but their effectiveness in reducing splashing remains consistent across different models.

Hygiene Considerations


Beyond functionality, splash guards play a crucial role in maintaining hygiene standards at public drinking fountains. By minimizing splashing, they help prevent the spread of germs and bacteria that could otherwise be transferred through water droplets. This is especially important in crowded places where numerous people may use the fountain throughout the day.

Furthermore, splash guards contribute to the overall cleanliness of the area surrounding the drinking fountain. By reducing the amount of water that splashes onto the floor or nearby surfaces, they help keep the environment dry and safe, minimizing slip hazards and making maintenance easier.

User Experience


From a user’s perspective, splash guards improve the experience of using a drinking fountain. They provide a visual cue as to where one should position their mouth to drink, making the process more intuitive and efficient. By ensuring that water flows smoothly and predictably, splash guards enhance convenience and reduce the likelihood of spills or accidents.


In conclusion, while often overlooked, splash guards are an essential feature of drinking fountains that significantly contribute to their functionality, hygiene, and user experience. By controlling the direction of water flow and minimizing splashing, these simple devices help ensure that drinking fountains remain convenient, clean, and safe for everyone to use. Next time you take a refreshing sip from a public fountain, take a moment to appreciate the thoughtful design behind the splash guard – a small detail that makes a big difference.


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