Adding Water Feature To A Pool? What To Consider

Adding a water feature to your pool can transform it from a simple swimming area into a visually stunning and relaxing oasis. Whether you’re considering a waterfall, fountain, or even a simple spillover, there are several important factors to consider to ensure the addition enhances your pool’s aesthetics and functionality. Here’s a guide on what to think about before adding a water feature to your pool:

1. Design and Aesthetics

  • Compatibility: The water feature should complement the existing design of your pool and backyard. Consider the overall style, materials, and colors to ensure coherence.
  • Scale: Ensure the size of the water feature is proportional to your pool. A feature that is too small might get lost, while one that is too large could overwhelm the space.

2. Location and Placement

  • Visual Impact: Decide where the water feature will have the greatest visual impact. Popular locations include the edge of the pool, a raised wall, or in a corner where it can be viewed from multiple angles.
  • Accessibility: Consider accessibility for maintenance purposes. Ensure there’s enough space around the feature for cleaning and repairs.

3. Type of Water Feature

  • Waterfall: A waterfall can create a dramatic effect, cascading water into the pool. Choose between a natural rock waterfall or a built-in design.
  • Fountain: Fountains add elegance and can range from simple spouts to elaborate designs that shoot water into the air.
  • Spillover Spa: Connecting a spa to your pool with a spillover creates a seamless transition and adds a soothing sound of cascading water.

4. Sound and Ambiance

  • Noise Level: Consider the sound the water feature will produce. Some people prefer the relaxing sound of trickling water, while others may find louder features more appealing.
  • Ambient Lighting: Plan for lighting around the water feature to enhance its visual appeal at night and create a captivating atmosphere.

5. Budget and Maintenance

  • Cost: Determine your budget for the water feature, including installation and ongoing maintenance costs.
  • Maintenance: Consider the maintenance requirements of different types of water features. Some may require more frequent cleaning or servicing than others.

6. Safety Considerations

  • Slip Resistance: Ensure any surfaces around the water feature are slip-resistant to prevent accidents.
  • Electrical Safety: If the water feature involves pumps or lighting, ensure all electrical components are installed by a professional and meet safety standards.

7. Permits and Regulations

  • Local Codes: Check with local authorities or homeowner association regulations to ensure compliance with any permits or regulations regarding pool modifications and water features.

8. Professional Installation

  • Expertise: Consider hiring a professional pool contractor with experience in installing water features. They can provide advice on design, materials, and ensure proper installation.


Adding a water feature to your pool can elevate its aesthetics and create a more enjoyable and relaxing environment. By carefully considering design, placement, maintenance, and safety factors, you can ensure the water feature enhances your pool while seamlessly integrating into your backyard landscape. Whether you opt for a tranquil waterfall, elegant fountain, or functional spillover, thoughtful planning will help you achieve a stunning and functional addition to your outdoor space.


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